Valerie Jackson



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As your coach, it is important for me to understand how you view the world in general and particularly how you see yourself. Each individual is unique with a distinctive way of thinking and interacting with others. Please complete one of the appointment request forms below.

Individual & Group Coaching | Training | Speaking

Discovery Calls & Events

Complete one (1) of the following forms to start your individual/group coaching journey or to book Valerie for your next event. 


General Questions

Anyone who desires to live their best life and just needs a little encouragement or motivation 

Counseling aims to fix a problem stemming from one's past. Life coaching is forward-focused and helps clients look at where they are, where they want to be, and how to make that happen.

Since the two are quite different, it is common for an individual to work with both a therapist in formal counseling while also working with a life coach. A life coach can work with you to act as your cheerleader in accomplishing the work you are doing with a therapist.

ACES is short for Adverse Childhood Experiences. These are a variety of events that occur in a child's life between birth and 18 years of age that, without intervention and positive supports, will have an adverse impact on the lives of young children. ACEs can contribute to poor health outcomes later in life. Anyone and everyone can benefit from ACEs knowledge.

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